mice india

 With our insider local knowledge and a sprinkle of magic, we specialize in crafting epic events, unique activities, exciting tours, and seamless transportation. Our team dives headfirst into every aspect of planning, guaranteeing that your experience is nothing short of extraordinary! At Travellama, we're not just your average destination management company (DMC) – we're your ultimate travel wizards!


With our insider local knowledge and a sprinkle of magic, we specialize in crafting epic events, unique activities, exciting tours, and seamless transportation. Our team dives headfirst into every aspect of planning, guaranteeing that your experience is nothing short of extraordinary! At Travellama, we're not just your average destination management company (DMC) – we're your ultimate travel wizards!


When you think about India you will probably think of it as a tourist destination with a rich cultural heritage, boutique hotels, colorful dresses, spicy food... but India is also the perfect destination for meetings, incentives, conferences and events (MICE). This is why

Unique event spaces

India has a lot of unique spaces to hold your event. Whatever the size of your group, there is always a good option.

A large choice of hotels with a high service standard

India offers a large choice of hotels that are suitable for MICE. Hotels at great locations with comfortable rooms, large indoor and outdoor areas, meeting rooms, business centres, excellent WIFI and several restaurants

Experiences that create life long memories

Part of your MICE trip should be memories that hold a lifetime, experiences your groupmembers will never forget. India has countless options. Visiting the Taj Mahal is one of them, but what if your group can spot a tiger, get to know all the Indian Spices during a walk through Old Delhi or witness a Ganga Aarti at the Ganges in Varanasi.

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